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Huei-Lin Huang/Professor
Refereed Paper

1. Yi-Chuen Chen, Huei-Lin Huang, Jau-Hong Lin. (In press). Feasibility of Home-based Multidisciplinary Intervention for Mediating the Impact of the Meiling Overturned Coach Accident on a Child Survivor.中華心理衛生學刊.
2. Huang, H.L*. Lu, C. H., Tsai, H.W., Chao, C.C., Ho, T.Y., Chuang, S.F., Tsai, C.H., Yang, P.C. ( 2009). The effect of parent training group in preschool children with attention deficit hyperactive disorder. Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences. 25(7). 357-365.
3. 黃惠玲* (2009):〈再探注意力缺陷過動疾患研究〉。《應用心理研究》,41期,197-219
4. 黃惠玲* (2008):〈注意力缺陷過動疾患研究回顧〉。《應用心理研究》,40期,20-26。
5. Chao, C.C*., Huang, H.L., Huang, L.L., Yang, P., Tseng, H.I, Chung, M.Y., Chen, H.L. (2006) A Preliminary Study of Behavioral Characteristics of Taiwan Toddlers at Risk for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. 臨床心理學刊,3卷,1期,87-105。
6. 許建中、黃惠玲*、趙家琛、楊品珍、陳正宗(2005):〈學齡前過動兒童之父母訓練團體成效研究:執行功能之分析〉。《臨床心理學刊》,2卷,2期,87-105頁。
7. 唐耀晟、蕭思郁、黃惠玲、陳弘森*、周肇茂(2005):〈父母親與兒童選擇牙醫師的相關性〉。《台灣兒童牙醫學雜誌》,第4期,145-151頁。
Conference Paper
1. Huang, H.L., Shih Y.C., Huang, C.H., Yang, P.C. (2009). Cognitive behavior therapy to children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Effect evaluation with Child Behavior Checklist. International ASEBA Conference on Empirically Based Mental Health Knowledge. Burlington, Vermont, June 21-24, 2009.
2. Chen, Y*., Huang, H.L., Lin, J.H. November 2007. Effects of A Home-based Multidisciplinary Intervention On A Case With Spinal Cord Injury Resulting From an Overturned Coach Accident. The 2nd International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction, Session6-1, 4.1~4.8, November 2007. Taipei
3. Huang, H.L., Huang, S. C., Chao, C.C., Weng, M.C., Yang, P., Chen, C.C. May 2006. The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment on Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. The 1st Asian Cognitive Behavior Therapy Conference, Hong Kong.

Guo, Nai-Wen/Associate Professors
Refereed Paper

1. Kao-Chang Lin, Nai-Wen Guo, Pei-Chien Tsai, Chiu-Yueh Yang, and YueLiang Leon Guo. Neurocognitive changes among elderly exposed to PCBs/PCDFs in Taiwan. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2008,116:184-189(PMCID: PMC2235226) Impact Factor:5.861 Environmental Sciences:1 / 144 Public, Environmental & Occupational:3 / 98
2. Su CY, Lin YH, Kwan AL, Guo NW. Construct Validity of the WCST-64 in patients with stroke. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 2007:1-15.(corresponding) Impact Factor:1.279 Clinical Neurology:6 / 147 Psychology:44 / 60
3. Su CY, Chen HM, Kwan AL, Lin YH, Guo NW. Neuropsychological impairment after hemorrhagic stroke in basal ganglia. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2007,22,465-474 (corresponding) Impact Factor:2.215 Psychology:25 / 60
4.詹雅雯,陳信昭,郭乃文.注意力缺失/過動疾患-不注意型與合併型之多面向注意力功能分析.臨床心理學刊,2006,3,85-92 (通訊作者)
5. 楊宗茗,陳若佟,洪偉智,郭乃文,官大绅.中暑合併小腦運動失調之復健:案例報告. 台灣復健醫學會雜誌, 2006,34(3),189-194.
6. Su, C.Y., Wuang, Y.P., Chang, J.K., Guo, N.W., & Kwan, A.L. Wisconsin Card Sorting Test Performance After Putaminal Hemorrhagic Stroke. Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Science, 2006, 22, 75-84.
7. Hsu PC, Lai TJ, Guo NW, et al. Serum hormones in boys prenatally exposed to polychlorinateds and dibenzofurans. J Toxical Environ Health, 2005,68(17-18), 1447-1456.
Conference Paper
1. 郭乃文.建構校園定位的德懷研究. 第47 屆台灣心理學年會,2008,10月,台北,國立臺灣師範大學。
2. 郭乃文,黃玫穎,張淑霞,郭淑惠.推動自省智慧與人際智慧的高中教務行政系統探討.第47 屆台灣心理學年會,2008,10月,台北, 國立臺灣師範大學。
3. 施妤蓁、陳信昭、郭乃文.國中校園注意力缺陷/過動症篩檢工具運用之探討. 第47 屆台灣心理學年會,2008,10月,台北, 國立臺灣師範大學。
4.許立港,郭乃文.高中女生生理抱怨、心理適應症狀以及自我與社會資源之關聯性研究 -以某一女高為例.第47 屆台灣心理學年會,2008,10月,台北, 國立臺灣師範大學。
5. Ho, H. T.(何曉婷), Tsu, J. C.(杜家興), Guo, N. W.(郭乃文), Pai, M. C.(白明奇)(2008).The Processing of Verbal Working Memory in Normal Ageing and Preclinical DAT patients. Presented at the 2nd Asia Society Against Dementia Congress & 3rd Annual Meeting of Taiwan Dementia Society. Oct. 17-19, 2008, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
6. 何曉婷、郭乃文、白明奇.早期阿茲海默氏症患者在工作記憶中的主動訊息處理歷程表現。第六屆華人心理學家學術研討會個別學術報告,2008,6月,香港,香港中文大學。
7. 陳靖,郭乃文,張明永.阿茲海默型失智症患者注意力功能表現之分析. 第六屆華人心理學家學術研討會,2008,6月,香港,香港中文大學。
8. 顏慧詩,郭乃文,歐陽文貞.輕度阿茲海默型失智症合併妄想症狀與心智理論功能之相關探討.第六屆華人心理學家學術研討會,2008,6月,香港,香港中文大學。
9. 施妤蓁,陳信昭,郭乃文.校園注意力缺陷/過動症之篩檢模式探討.第6屆華人心理學家學術研討會,2008,6月,香港,香港中文大學。
10. 郭乃文.以癲癇、中風以及創傷性腦傷患者為例的台灣復健領域衡鑑反思.台灣臨床心理學會年會,2008,3月,台北,政治大學。
12. 何曉婷、郭乃文、白明奇(2007,4月)。極輕度阿茲海默氏症患者在工作記憶中的主動訊息處理歷程分析。台灣神經醫學聯合學術研討會壁報論文,桃園,長庚大學。
13. 郭乃文.TBI之神經心理復健計畫.台灣臨床心理學會年會,2007,3月,台南,成功大學。
14. 郭乃文.臨床復健心理學之督導.台灣臨床心理學會年會,2007,3月,台南,成功大學。
15. Chang K-H, Wang S-L, Guo N-W, Su P-H, Päpke O, Guo Y-L. Maternal exposure to dioxin and Mental and Motor Development in children from central Taiwan. The 26th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants Oslo, Norway. 21-25 August 2006. (Oral presentation) Organohalogen Compounds, 2006; 68: 798-801.
16. 郭乃文.認知神經心理學衡鑑與復健-以注意力和記憶力為例.台灣小兒神經科學會年會九十五年年會,2006,5月,台北,台灣大學。
17. 郭乃文.由神經心理學衡鑑到認知功能訓練-以注意力和記憶力為例.台灣心理學會年會九十四年年會工作坊,2005,12月,台北,政治大學。
18. KC Lin(Taiwan), NW Guo, PC Tsai, CY Yang, YL Guo. Neuro-cognitive changes in elderly exposed to PCBs and PCDFs in Taiwan. The 9th International Symposium on Neurobehavioral Methods and Effects in Occupational and Environmental Health , September, 2005,Korea
19. 林高平,郭育良,郭乃文.多氯聯苯中毒之老年人之認知功能變化. 中華民國神經醫學會九十四年年會,2005,4月,台北榮總。

Other Publication
1. 郭乃文(2007).前額葉學校.台南市:光華女中發行.
2. 郭乃文(2006).從人類大腦成熟順序特質省思技職教育.台北教育部:技職簡訊。173期。
3. 田秀蘭,郭乃文(2005).成人生涯認知量表.台北:心理出版社發行。
4. 郭乃文,鄭中平(2005).修定非語文性注意力與記憶力測驗研究第三期報告.教育部特殊教育工作小組委託計畫.
5. 郭乃文,鄭中平(2005).修定非語文性注意力與記憶力測驗研究第二期報告.教育部特殊教育工作小組委託計畫.

Lung Yu

Ke, J-J., Ho, M-C., Cherng, C.G., Tsai, Y-P. N., Tsai, C-W., Yu, L. (Correspondence Author), 2008, Ketamine pretreatment exacerbated 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced central dopamine toxicity, Chin J Physiol, 51:65-70.
Chen, H-I., Lin, L-C., Yu, L., Liu, Y-F., Kuo, Y-M., Huang, A-M., Chuang, J-I., Wu, F-S., Liao, P-C., Jen, C.J., 2008, Treadmill exercise enhances passive avoidance learning in rats: the role of down-regulated serotonin system in the limbic system. Neurobiol Learn Mem, 89:489-496.
Ke, J-J., Chen, H-I., Jen, C.J., Kuo, Y-M., Cherng, C.G., Tsai, Y-P. N., Ho, M-C., Tsai, C-W., Yu, L. (Correspondence Author), 2008, Mutual enhancement of central neurotoxicity induced by sequential binge doses of ketamine and methamphetamine, Toxic Appl Pharmacol, 227:239-247.
Lai,Y-T., Fang, H-Y., Cherng, C.G., Chiang, C-Y., Kao, Q-S., Yu, L. (Correspondence Author), 2008, Activation of amygdaloid PKC pathway is necessary for conditioned cues-provoked cocaine memory performance, Neurobiol Learn Mem, 90:164-170.
Wu, C-W., Chen, Y-C., Yu, L., Chen, H-I., Jen, C.J., Huang, A-M., Tsai, H-J., Chang, Y-T., Kuo, Y-M., 2008, Treadmill exercise counteracts peripheral LPS-inhibited hippocampal neurogenesis and learning and memory performance, J Neurochem, 103: 2471-2481.
Wu, C-W., Chang, Y-T., Yu, L., Chen, H.I., Jen, C.J., Wu, S-Y., Lo, C-P., Kuo, Y-M., 2008, Exercise enhances the proliferation of neural stem cells and neurite growth and survival of neuronal progenitor cells in dentate gyrus of middle-aged mice. J Appl Physiol 105:1585-1594.
Liu, Y-F., Chen, H-I., Yu, L., Kuo, Y-M., Wu, F-S., Chuang, J-I., Liao, P-C., Jen, C.J., 2008, Upregulation of hippocampal TrkB and synaptotagmin is involved in treadmill exercise-enhanced aversive memory in mice. Neurobiol Learn Mem, 90:81-89.
Chang,Y-T., Chen, Y-C., Wu, C-W., Yu, L., Chen, H-I., Jen, C.J., Kuo, Y-M., 2008, Glucocorticoid signaling and exercise-induced downregulation of the mineralocorticoid receptor in the induction of adult mouse dentate neurogenesis by treadmill running, Psychoneuroendocrinol, 33:1173-1182.
Chiang, C-Y., Cherng, C.G., Lai, Y-T., Fan, H-Y., Chang, W-T., Chuang, J-Y., Kao, G-S., Yu, L. (Correspondence Author), 2009, Medial prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens core are involved in storage of the methamphetamine-associated memory. Behav Brain Res, 197:24-30.
Ho, M-C, Cherng, C.G., Tsai, Y-P.N., Chiang, C-Y., Chuang, J-Y., Kao, S-F., Yu, L. (Correspondence Author), 2009, Chronic treatment with monoamine oxidase-B inhibitors decreases cocaine reward in mice, Psychopharmacol, 205:141-149.
Lai, Y-T., Tsai, Y-P. N., Ke, J-J., Cherng, C.G., Ho, M-C., Tsai, C-W., Yu, L. (Correspondence Author), 2009, Lipopolysaccharide Treatment Attenuates the Methamphetamine-induced Striatal Dopaminergic Toxicity via Local TNF-α Elevation, J Neural Transm, 116:405-415.
Cherng, C.G. and Yu, L. (Correspondence Author), 2009, Disruption of abused drug-conditioned memory, Chin J Physiol, 52:264-272.
Liu, Y-F., Chen, H-I., Wu, C-L., Kuo, Y-M., Yu, L., Huang, A-M., Wu, F-S., Chuang, J-I., Jen, C.J., 2009, Differential effects of treadmill running and wheel running on spatial or aversive learning and memory: roles of amygdalar BDNF and synaptotagmin I" J Physiology, 587:3221-3231.
Yeh, T.L., Lee, I.H., Chen, P.S., Yu, L., Cheng, S.H., Yao, W.J., Yang, Y.K., Lu, R.B., Chiu, N.T., 2009, Social support and striatal dopaminergic activities: Is there a connection? Prog Neuro-Psychopharm Biol Psychi, 33:1141-1146.
Wu, CH, Kuo, HC, Chang, CS, Yu, L (Correspondence Author), 2009, What extent of weight loss can benefit the health-related quality of life in motivated obese Chinese. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 18: 423-432.
Cherng, C.G., Lin, P-S., Chuang, J-Y., Chang, W-T., Lee, Y-S., Kao, G-S., Lai, L-T., Yu, L. (Correspondence Author), 2010, Presence of conspecifics and their odor-smeared objects reverse stress-decreased neurogenesis in mouse dentate gyrus. J Neurochem, 112:1138-1146.
Fan, H-Y., Cherng, C.G., Yang, F-Y., Cheng, L-Y., Tsai, C-J., Lin, L-C., Yu, L. (Correspondence Author), 2010, Systemic treatment with protein synthesis inhibitors attenuates the expression of cocaine memory. Behav Brain Res, 208: 522-527.
Wu, S-Y., Wang, T-F., Yu, L., Jen, C.J., Chuang, J., Wu, F-S., Wu, C-W., Kuo, Y-M., 2010, Running exercise protects the substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons against inflammation-induced degeneration via the activation of BDNF signaling pathway. Brain Behav Immun, 25: 135-146.
Yang, F-Y., Lee, Y-S., Cherng, C.G., Chang, W-T., Chuang, J-Y., Kao G-S., Yu, L. (Correspondence Author), 2011, Sarcosine and D-serine facilitate the extinction of cocaine-induced conditioned place preference memory. J Psychopharm, PMID: 21106609
Kuo, L.H., Tsai, P.J., Jiang, M.J., Chuang, Y.L., Yu, L., Lai, K.T., Tsai, Y.S., 2011, Toll-like receptor 2 deficiency improves insulin sensitivity and hepatic insulin signalling in the mouse. Diabetologia, 54:168-179.
Lin, K-Y., Cherng, C.G., Yang, F-R, Lin, L-C., Lu, R-B., Yu, L. (Correspondence Author), 2011, Memantine abolishes the formation of cocaine-induced conditioned place preference possibly via its cytokine-modulating effect in brain. Behav Brain Res, 220: 126-131.
Chuang, J-Y., Chang, W-T., Cherng, C.G., L-Y. Kao S-F., Kao G-S., Yu, L. (Correspondence Author), 2011, Repeated co-administrations of alcohol and methamphetamine-produced anxiogenic effect is associated with neurotoxicity in the dentate gyrus, J Neural Transm, 118: 1559-1569.
Kao, G-S., Chuang, J-Y., Cherng, C.G., Yu, L. (Correspondence Author), 2011, Down-regulated 14-3-3ζ protein in the nucleus accumbens is associated with the retrieval of cocaine memory. NeuroSignals, 19: 175-188.
Tzeng, W-Y., Chang, W-T., Lin, K-Y., Cherng, C.G., Yu, L. (Correspondence Author), 2011, Reactivation of a memory affects reconsolidation of other, non-reactivated memory. Neurobiol Learn Mem, 97: 241-249.
Cherng, C.G., Chang, C.P., Su, C-C., Chuang, C-J., Tzeng, W-Y., Chen, L-H., Lin, K-Y., Yu, L. (Correspondence Author), 2012, Odors from proximal species reverse the stress-decreased neurogenesis via main olfactory processing. Behav Brain Res, 229:106-112.
Hsu Y-C., Yu L., Chen H-I., Lee H-L., Kuo Y-M., Jen C. J., 2012, Blood pressure variations real-time reflect the conditioned fear learning and memory. PLoS One, in press.
Chuang, J-Y., Lin, K-Y., Cherng, C.G., Yu, L. (Correspondence Author), 2012, Anisomycin interrupted the reconsolidation of the reactivated memory. Chin J Physiology, 55: in press
Chuang J-Y., Lee C-W., Shih Y-H., Yang T., Yu L. (Correspondence Author), Kuo, Y-M.,2012, Interactions between Amyloid-β and Hemoglobin: Implications for Amyloid Plaque Formation in Alzheimer's Disease. PLos One, in press.
通心理學 與程千芳合著 (2010), 華杏, 臺北, 中華民國
航空心理學 與程千芳合著 (2011), 洪葉, 臺北, 中華民國

Huei-Chen, Ko/ Professor
Refereed Paper

范盛棻,謝淑蘭,柯慧貞(2005). 具有強迫症狀之大學生選擇性注意力之探討,中華心理衛生學刊,18,71-96. (TSSCI 期刊) .
江信男, 林旻沛, 柯慧貞*(通訊作者) (2005). 台灣地區老人的生理疾病多寡、自覺生理健康、社會支持度與憂鬱嚴重度.臨床心理學刊,.2(1):(11-22).
林旻沛,丁建谷,賴雅純,柯慧貞*(通訊作者) (2005). 不同成人依附型態大學生在網路成癮傾向上之差異.中華心理衛生學刊.18, 93-119 (TSSCI 期刊)
陳仲鉉,柯慧貞*(通訊作者),陸汝斌(2005).男性單純酒癮與合併焦慮症病人在行為抑制與激發之比較, 台灣精神醫學, 2 , 119~127 (TSSCI 期刊)
計劃編號: NSC92-2413-H-006-007-SSS
Chang CH, Yu CH, Ko HC , Chen CL, Chang FM (2005). The efficacy assessment of thigh volume in predicting intrauterine fetal growth restriction by three- dimensional ultrasound. Ultrasound in Med.& Biol, 31, 7, 883-887. (SCI期刊)
Wurst FM, Tabakoff B, Alling C, Aradottir S, Wiesbeck GA, Muller-Spahn F, Pragst F, Johnson B, Javors M, Ait-Daoud N, Skipper GE, Spies C, Nachbar Y, Lesch O, Ramskogler K, Hartmann S, Wolfersdorf M, Dresen S, Weinmann W, Hines L, Kaiser A, Lu RB , Ko HC et al. (2005) World Health Organization. International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism. World Health Organization/International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism study on state and trait markers of alcohol use and dependence: back to the future. [Congresses; Reviewed article] Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. 29(7):1268-1275.(SCI期刊) 計劃編號:NSC92-2413-H-006-007-SSS
Chang CH, Yu CH, Ko HC , Chen CL, Chang FM (2005).Fetal upper arm volume in predicting intrauterine growth restriction:A three-dimensional ultrasound study. Ultrasound in Med.& Biol, 31, 11, 1435-1439. (SCI期刊)
Lu RB, Ko HC, Lee JF, Lin WW, Huang SY, Wang TJ, Wu YS, Lu TE, Chou YH(2005). No alcoholism-protection effects of ADH1B*2 allele in antisocial alcoholics among han Chinese in Taiwan. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 29(12): 2101-2107 (SCI 期刊) 計劃編號: NSC92-2413-H-006-007-SSS
Yen MH, Ko HC, Tang FI, Lu RB, Hong JS (2006). Study of hepatotoxicity of naltrexone in the treatment of alcoholism. Alcohol, 38, 117-120. (SCI 期刊).
Chang CH, Yu CH, Ko HC, Chen CL, Chang FM (2006). Predictin fetal growth restriction by humerus volume:A three-dimensional ultrasound study. Ultrasound in Med. & Biol, 32, 6, 791-795. (SCI期刊)
Hahn CY, Huang SY, Ko HC, Hsieh CH, Lee IH, Yeh TL, Yang YK, Lee JF, Lin WW, Lu RB(2006). Acetaldehyde involvement in positive and negative alcohol expectancies in Han Chinese persons with alcoholism. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 63, 817-823. (SCI 期刊) 計劃編號: DOH90-TD-1180
Yu RL , Ko HC*(Corresponding Author) (2006). Cognitive determinants of MDMA use among College Students in Southern Taiwan. Addictive Behaviors,31,2199-2211.(SSCI期刊) 計劃編號:DOH94-NNB-1012
Chang CH¸ Yu CH, Ko HC, Chen CL, Chang FM (2006). Predicting fetal growth restriction with liver volume by three-dimensional ultrasound:efficacy evaluation. Ultrasound in Med.& Biol, 32(1): 13-17. (SCI期刊)
洪友雯,謝淑蘭,柯慧貞(2007). 以負向促發作業探討強迫症患者與其他焦慮患者對於情緒面孔之注意抑制及記憶提取,中華心理衛生學刊, 20(1),53-74 (TSSCI 期刊)
謝毅興,柯慧貞,林彥鴻(2007).憂鬱症、焦慮症、以及焦慮和憂鬱共病婦女對負面情緒的因應.台灣精神醫學,21(2),17-25 (TSSCI 期刊) 計畫編號:NSC91-2413-H-037-007
Wang TJ Huang SY, Lin WW, Wang YS, Wu YS, Ko HC, Shih JC, Lu RB (2007) Possible interaction between MAOA and DRD2 genes associated with antisocial alcoholism among Han Chinese Men in Taiwan. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 31: 108-114. (SCI 期刊)
Huang SY, Lin WW, Wan FJ, Chang AJ, Ko HC, Wang TJ, Wu PL, Lu RB (2007) Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) Polymorphisms might modify theassociation between dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) Gene and alcohol dependence. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience. 32: 185-192. (SCI 期刊)
Fu AT, Ko HC*(Corresponding Author), Wu JY, Cherng, BL, Cheng CP. (2007). Impulsivity and Expectancy in Risk for Alcohol Use:Comparing male and female college students in Taiwan. Addictive Behaviors. 32,1887-1896. (SSCI期刊)計劃編號:DOH93-NNB-1010、DOH94-NNB-1012
Chang CH, Ko HC*(Corresponding Author),Wu JYW, Cheng CP (2007). Social Cognitive Determinants of Betel Quid Chewing among College Students in Southern Taiwan: a revised Attitudes-Social influence-Efficacy model. Addictive Behaviors. 32,2345-2350. (SSCI期刊) 計劃編號:DOH93-NNB-1010
Chien LL, Ko HC*(Corresponding Author), Wu JYW. (2007). The Five-Factor Model of Personality and the Depressive Symptoms: One-Year Follow Up. Personality and Individual Differences. 43,1013-1023. (SSCI期刊)計劃編號:NSC95-2413-H-006-016-
Chang CH, Tsai PY, Yu CH, Ko HC, Chang FM. (2007).Prenatal Detection of Fetal Growth Restriction by Fetal Femur Volume: Efficacy Assessment using Three-dimensional Ultrasound. Ultrasound in Med.& Biol, 33, 335-341. (SCI期刊)
Lin SC, Wu PL, Ko HC, Wu JYW, Huang SY, Lin WW, Lu RB (2007). Specific personality traits and Dopamine, Serotonin Genes in Anxiety-depressive alcoholism among Han Chinese in Taiwan. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 31, 1526-1534. ( SCI期刊)計劃編號:DOH90-TD-1180
Chiu SH , Ko HC*(Corresponding Author), Wu JY, Cheng CP (2007). Depression Moderated the Effect of Exposure to Suicide News on Suicidality among College Students in Taiwan. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 37, 585-592. (SSCI期刊) 計劃編號:NSC95-2413-H-006-016-
柯慧貞, 朱倍毅,陸偉明, 高振傑, 龔毅珊, 邱郁雯, 方曉喻, 林木芬, 胡崇元(2008). 更新學齡前兒童行爲發展量表的常模,測驗學刊55(2): 313-340.(TSSCI期刊)
Lin MF, Ko HC*(Corresponding Author), Wu JYW, Chang FM (2008).The impact of extraversion or menopausal status on depressive symptoms among climacteric women in Taiwan: Neuroticism as moderator or mediator. Menopause-The Journal of the North American Menopause Society,15, 138-143. (SCI 期刊)
Wu CY, Wu YS, Lee JF, Huang SY, Yu L, Ko HC, Lu RB (2008) The association between DRD2/ANKK1, 5-HTTLPR Gene and Specific Personality Trait on the Antisocial Alcoholism among Han Chinese in Taiwan. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B. 147B, 447-453. (SCI期刊)
Lin MP, Ko HC*(Corresponding Author), Wu JYW (2008). The role of positive/negative outcome expectancy and refusal self-efficacy of Internet use on Internet Addiction among college students in Taiwan. CyberPsychology & Behavior. 11(4), 451-457 (SSCI 期刊)計劃編號:NSC93-2520-S-006-002-;NSC94-2520-S-006-001-
Yeh YC, Ko HC*(Corresponding Author), Wu JYW, Cheng CP(2008).Gender Differences in Relationships of Actual and Virtual Social Support to Internet Addiction Mediated through Depressive Symptoms among College Students in Taiwan. CyberPsychology and Behavior. 11(4),485-487.(SSCI 期刊) 計劃編號:NSC93-2520-S-006-002-;NSC94-2520-S-006-001-
Chang CH, Tsai PY, Yu CH, Ko HC, Chang FM (2008). Predicting fetal growth restriction with renal volume using 3-D ultrasound: efficacy evaluation. Ultrasound Med Biol. 34:533-537. (SCI期刊)
Lee SY, Lin WW, Huang SY, Wang CL, Wu PL, Wu JYW, Ko HC, Lu RB. (2009)The relationship between serotonin receptor 1B polymorphism A-161T and alcohol dependence. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 33(9):1589-95 (SCI期刊)
Hsiao YL, Wu YS, Wu JYW, Hsu MH, Chen HC, Lee SY, Lee IH, Yeh TL, Yang YK, Ko HC, Lu RB (2009). Neuropsychological Functions in Patients with Bipolar I and Bipolar II Disorder. Bipolar disorder. 11(5):547-554. (SCI期刊)
J YM, Ko HC, Chang FM, Yeh TL, Sun HS (2009). Population-specific functional variant of the TPH2 gene 2755C>A polymorphism contributes risk association to major depression and anxiety in Chinese peripartum women, Arch Womens Ment Health, 12:401-408. (SCI期刊)
Lee SY, Hahn CY, Lee JF, Chen SL, Chen SH, Yeh TL, Kuo PH, Lee IH, Yang YK, Huang SY, Ko HC, Lu RB(2009) MAOA-uVNTR polymorphism may modify the protective effect of ALDH2 gene against alcohol dependence in antisocial personality disorder. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 33(6): 985-990. (SCI期刊)
Lin CI, Lee SY, Chang YH, Wu JY, Wu YS, Wu PL, Chen HC, Chen SL, Lee IH, Yeh TL, Yang YK, Ko HC, Lu RB(2010). Temperaments x genes in bipolar I and bipolar II disorder patients. Psychiatry Research. 177(3):364-366 (SCI期刊)
Lee SY, Hahn CY, Lee JF, Huang SY, Chen SL, Kuo PH, Lee IH, Yeh TL, Yang YK, ChenSH, Ko HC, Lu RB. (2010). MAOA interacts with the ALDH2 gene in anxiety-depression alcohol dependence. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 34(7): 1212-1218. (SCI期刊)
柯慧貞*(通訊作者) , 周鉦翔(2009). 柯氏憂鬱量表應用於篩選國人更年期婦女憂鬱症之適用性, 中華心理學刊 , 51(4):471-481. (TSSCI 期刊)
陳筱茜,柯慧貞*(通訊作者), 李昆樺, 林旻沛(2010). 憂鬱、認知及社會因子對台灣南部大學生檳榔使用之預測模式.中華心理衛生學刊, (付印中), (TSSCI 期刊) 計劃編號:DOH-93-NNB-1010
陳正嘉,柯慧貞*(通訊作者), 林旻沛, 周鉦翔, 陳廣圻 (2010).中文版多向度完美主義量表之心理計量分析.中華心理衛生學刊, (付印中), (TSSCI 期刊)計畫編號:NSC95-2413-H-006-016
Lu RB, Lee JF, Huang SY, Lee SY, Kuo PH, Chen SL, ChenSH, Lin WW, Wu PL , Ko HC. (2010). Interaction between ALDH2*1*1 and DRD2/ANKK1 Taql A1A1 Genes may be associated with Antisocial Personality Disorder not comorbid with Alcoholism. Addiction Biology. (In Press) (SCI期刊)
Conference Paper
Lin WW, Lee JF, Lu RB, Ko HC (2005). PL Tao, Short-term effects of dextromethorphan in individuals with acute heroin withdrawal syndrome:An open trial, 論文發表於國立成功大學醫學院行為醫學研究所暨精神醫學科部, 物質濫用研討會, 論文摘要集,P16,台南.
韓誠一, 陸汝斌, 柯慧貞(2005). Alcoholic patients may inhibit the adverse effects of acetaldehyde, 論文發表於國立成功大學醫學院行為醫學研究所暨精神醫學科部, 物質濫用研討會, 論文摘要集,P24,台南.
Lin SC, Lu RB, Ko HC (2005). Association between anxiety-depressive alcohol dependence and TagI A, TagI B polymorphism of the DRD2 gene, 論文發表於國立成功大學醫學院行為醫學研究所暨精神醫學科部, 物質濫用研討會,論文摘要集,P48,台南.
Wu CY, Lu RB, Ko HC (2005).No association between antisocial alcoholism and dopamine D2 Receptor Gene (DRD2), 論文發表於國立成功大學醫學院行為醫學研究所暨精神醫學科部, 物質濫用研討會, 論文摘要集,P49,台南.
柯慧貞, 余睿羚, 李志恆 (2005). 大學生毒品使用盛行率予其心理社會預測因素, 論文發表於國立成功大學醫學院行為醫學研究所暨精神醫學科部, 物質濫用研討會, 論文摘要集,P12,台南.
張志宏, 柯慧貞, 黃徵男, 廖德富,李志恆 (2005). 不同初次吸毒年齡層與毒品使用種類之毒犯在初次吸毒原因上的差異, 論文發表於國立成功大學醫學院行為醫學研究所暨精神醫學科部, 物質濫用研討會, 論文摘要集,P27,台南.
傅安婷, 柯慧貞(2005). 初次戒治與多次戒治毒犯及未吸毒社區正常者在五大性格特質上的差異, 論文發表於國立成功大學醫學院行為醫學研究所暨精神醫學科部, 物質濫用研討會, 論文摘要集,P28,台南.
林倩如, 柯慧貞(2005). 同儕用藥是否為家庭凝聚力、家庭衝突與毒品再度使用之間的中介變項, 論文發表於國立成功大學醫學院行為醫學研究所暨精神醫學科部, 物質濫用研討會, 論文摘要集,P29,台南.
翁如萍, 柯慧貞, 陸汝斌(2005).酒癮、焦慮症、酒癮焦慮共病患者在家族史、、性格及酒精使用預期上之差異, 論文發表於國立成功大學醫學院行為醫學研究所暨精神醫學科部, 物質濫用研討會, 論文摘要集,P35,台南.
Ko HC, Lin MP, Lin YC, Chang FM, Wu YW(2005). Gender, insecure attachment and internet addiction among college students in Taiwan. Asian Association of Social Psychology , 6th Biennial Conference 2 - 5 April 2005,Wellington, New Zealand Conference
林依靜, 柯慧貞(2005). Life events and attributional styles of positive versus negative events:Direct effects on depression among middle childhood children, 論文發表於台灣心理學會第44屆年會專題研討會,中壢.
方格正, 柯慧貞(2005). 憂鬱症母親其子代之自我基模, 論文發表於台灣心理學會第44屆年會專題研討會,中壢.
蔡均棠, 柯慧貞(2005). 母親憂鬱及子代之生活壓力、因應策略、社會支持與8至10歲子代憂鬱之關係, 論文發表於台灣心理學會第44屆年會專題研討會,中壢.
簡佩芳, 柯慧貞(2005). 母親的神經質與不一致教養對不同性別學齡前兒童憂鬱症狀的影響, 論文發表於台灣心理學會第44屆年會專題研討會,中壢.
洪偉智,丁建谷, 柯慧貞(2005). 8-10歲學齡兒童之逃避型依附、情緒壓抑及憂鬱症狀之關係, 論文發表於台灣心理學會第44屆年會專題研討會,中壢.
Ko HC, Liao LC, Yu RI, Wu YW, Li JH (2005). Prevalence and Psychosocial Risk Factors for Illicit Drug use Among College Students in Taiwan. 國際藥物濫用流行病學研討會,台北
Ko HC, Chou CH, Liao LC, Wu JYW (2006). The relationship of negative life Events to suicide attempt was moderated by dysfunctional attitude and mediated by depression among college students in Taiwan. 1st Asian Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) Conference: Evidence-based Assessment, Theory & Treatment, May 28-30, Hong Kong.(Abstract No.CBT 148)
Lee KH, Ko HC (2006). Drinking refusal self-efficacy and alcohol expectancy as predictors of readiness to change in alcoholic dependent outpatients. 1st Asian Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) Conference: Evidence-based Assessment, Theory & Treatment, May 28-30, Hong Kong.(Abstract No.CBT 151)
Lin MP, Ko HC, Wu JYW (2006). Gender differences in the effects of outcome expectancy and refusing self-efficacy of Internet use on Internet addiction among college students in Taiwan: one-year follow-up. 1st Asian Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Confere college students in Taiwan: one-year follow-up. 1st Asian Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) Conference: Evidence-based Assessment,Theory & Treatment, May 28-30, Hong Kong.(Abstract No.CBT 156)
Lin MP, Ko HC, Wu JYW (2006). Gender differences in the effects of outcome expectancy and refusing self-efficacy of Internet use on Internet addiction among college students in Taiwan: one-year follow-up. 1st Asian Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Conference, 29-39 May 2006, Shatin NT, Hong Kong.
Ko HC, Chou CH, Liao LC, Wu JYW (2006). Negative life events, dysfunctional attitudes, depression and suicide attempt among college students in Taiwan. 1st Asian Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Conference, 29-39 May 2006, Shatin NT,Hong Kong.
Wu JYW, Ko HC (2006). Internet Addiction and Illegal Use among College Students with Borderline Personality Trait. 台灣心理學會第四十五屆年會,台北:台灣.
林旻沛, 柯慧貞 (2006). 大學校院學生網路使用時間與學習及身心適應之關係. 台灣心理學會第四十五屆年會, 台北:台灣.
盧永欽, 林旻沛, 柯慧貞 (2006). 大學校院學生不同網路使用型態之學業與身心適應之關係. 台灣心理學會第四十五屆年會, 台北:台灣.
Yeh YC, Ko HC (2006). Gender Differences in the Relationships of Actual and Virtual Social Support to Internet Addiction Mediated through Depressive Symptoms among College students in Taiwan. 台灣心理學會第四十五屆年會, 台北:台灣.
羅紀萱, 林旻沛, 柯慧貞 (2006). 南區大學校院學生壓力因應方式、負向生活事件與網路成癮之縱貫性研究. 台灣心理學會第四十五屆年會, 台北:台灣
Hsieh YH, Ko HC (2006). The effect of negative mood induction on attentional bias. Poster session presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Houston, Texas.P.75 (November)
Wu JYW, Ko HC, Liao LC (2007). Borderline personality trait, depressive symptoms, positive outcome expectancy and Internet Addiction among college students in Taiwan. Fifth World Congress of Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy 2007, 11-14 July, Barcelona, Spain.
Ko HC, Weng MC (2007). The Impact of Behavioral Inhibition, Psychological neglect, and Dysfunctional Attitudes on Depression in Children: 2-Year Follow-up.our Therapy 2007, 11-14 July, Fifth World Congress of Cognitive and Behavi Barcelona, Spain.
Weng MC, Ko HC (2007). Negative Attribution as a Moderator between the Effect of Behavioral Inhibition on Separation and Generalized Anxiety Symptoms in Children: 2-Year Follow-up. Fifth World Congress of Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy 2007, 11-14 July, Barcelona, Spain.
Lin MP, Ko HC, Wu JYW (2007). Positive outcome expectancy of Internet use mediates the effect of impulsivity on Internet addiction among male and female college students in Taiwan:one-year follow-up. Fifth World Congress of Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy 2007, 11-14 July, Barcelona, Spain.
Li KH, Ko HC, Cheng CP ,Wu JYW(2007). Integrated Affective and Cognitive Determinants of Substance use among College Students in Taiwan: A cross-sectional study. 2007 World Mental Health Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health, 19-23 August, Hong Kong .
Ko HC, Weng MC (2007). Depression Increased Self-injury among Middle to Late Childhood Children in Taiwan: A 2-Year Follow-up. 2007 World Mental Health Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health, 19-23 August, Hong Kong
Weng MC , Ko HC, (2007). Positive Reappraisal, Behavioral Inhibition and Symptoms of Separation and Generalized Anxiety Disorders in Taiwanese Children: 2-Year Follow-up. 2007 World Mental Health Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health, 19-23 August, Hong Kong
Chou CH, Ko HC, Cheng CP, Wu JYW (2007). Sociotropic-autonomous events, sociotropy-autonomy dysfunctional attitudes, depression, suicide ideation and suicide attempt among male and female college students.2007 World Mental Health Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health, 19-23 August, Hong Kong
Liu TC, Ko HC, Tung YY, Wu JYW (2007).The roles of insecure attachment styles and interpersonal conflict events in the development of reported symptoms:A six-year follow up, 論文發表於台灣心理學會第四十六屆年會,台南,台灣
呂嘉豐, 柯慧貞, 鄭中平,吳詠葳(2007).Exploring needle sharing behaviors of male heroine abusers:The application of the Attitude-Social Influence-Self Efficacy model, 論文發表於台灣心理學會第四十六屆年會,台南,台灣.
Liao WJ, Ko HC, Yeh TL, Weng MC, Wu JYW, Chang FM (2008). Impacts of maternal depression and child abuse on the externalizing behaviors of middle childhood children: A 10-year longitudinal study . 2008 6th International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 19-22 June, Rome , Itail
Liu TC, Tung YY, Wu JYW, Ko HC (2008). Insecure attachment, perceived support, interpersonal conflict, and reported symptoms among women. 2008 2th Second Asian Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Conference. 19-21 Oct, Bangkok,Thailand
Lee KH, Ko HC, Wu JYW (2008). Psychosocial Pathways of Borderline Personality Features to Illicit Drug Use among College Students in Taiwan. 2008 2th Second Asian Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Conference. 19-21 Oct, Bangkok, Thailand
Wu YH, Ko HC, Lee KH, Wu JYW, (2008). Maternal Temperament, Prenatal and Postnatal Negative Life Events, and Perceived Childcare Stress as Predictors of Infant Temperament:A Longitudinal Study. 2008 2th Second Asian Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Conference. 19-21 Oct, Bangkok, Thailand
Hu HW, Chou CH, Lee KH, Wu JYW, Ko HC, (2008). Effect of Coping Styles and Negative Life Events on Depressive Symptoms among College Students in Taiwan: one year follow-up. 2008 2th Second Asian Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Conference. 19-21 Oct, Bangkok, Thailand
Chou CH, Ko HC, Wu JYW, (2008). Sociotropic-autonomous events, sociotropy-autonomy, depression, suicide ideation and suicide attempt among college students with high levels of borderline personality features in Southern Taiwan. 2008 2th Second Asian Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Conference. 19-21 Oct, Bangkok, Thailand
Lin MP, Ko HC, Lu YC, Wu JYW, (2008). Borderline personality features and positive outcome expertancy in risk for online game use and addiction among college students in Taiwan.2008 2th Second Asian Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Conference. 19-21 Oct, Bangkok, Thailand
Wu JYW, Ko HC (2008).Exploring Borderline Personality Features, Internet use Expectancy, and Internet Addiction among College students in Taiwan. 2008 2th Second Asian Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Conference. 19-21 Oct, Bangkok, Thailand
Lin TZ, Wu JYW, Ko HC (2008). Comparison on Five Comparison on Five-factor model of personality among Chinese college students with high level of Avoidant, Dependent, Obsessive-compulsive and Borderline Personality Features. 2008 2th Second Asian Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Conference. 19-21 Oct, Bangkok, Thailand
Cheng CC, Ko HC Chou CH, Lin MP, Wu JYW (2008). Differential Pathways of Negative and Positive Perfectionism to Depressive Symptoms and Well-Being among College Students in Southern Taiwan. 2008 2th Second Asian Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Conference. 19-21 Oct, Bangkok, Thailand
Huang KT, Ko HC, Wu JYW, Chou CH, Lin MP, Lee KH(2008). Effects of Insecure Adult Attachment, Interpersonal Conflict Events, Impulsivity, Borderline Personality Features and Depression on suicidal Behaviors among College Students in Southern Taiwan.2008 2th Second Asian Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Conference. 19-21 Oct, Bangkok, Thailand
Chen HC, Ko HC, Wu JYW, Chang CH, Lee KH (2008).Socilal and Psychological Determinants of Betel Chewing-Quid among College Students in Southern Taiwan : a one year follow-up. 2008 2th Second Asian Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Conference. 19-21 Oct, Bangkok, Thailand
吳怡賢、柯慧貞(2009). 母親懷孕期及產後四個月的焦慮症狀及憂鬱症狀對幼兒氣質的影響之追蹤研究,論文發表於台灣臨床心理學會第四屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會及論文摘要.
胡曉雯,周鉦翔,柯慧貞(2009). 壓力因應型態與負向生活事件對大學生憂鬱症狀之影響,論文發表於台灣臨床心理學會第四屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會及論文摘要.
陳筱茜,柯慧貞(2009). 憂鬱、認知及社會影響對台灣南部大學生檳榔使用之預測模式,論文發表於台灣臨床心理學會第四屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會及論文摘要.
黃冠堂,吳詠葳,林旻沛,柯慧貞(2009). 中文版邊緣性性格特徵量表之心理計量分析,論文發表於台灣臨床心理學會第四屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會及論文摘要.
朱育萱,胡曉雯,周鉦翔,柯慧貞(2009). 逃避情緒因應在負向生活事件與主觀幸福感中所扮演的角色,論文發表於台灣臨床心理學會第四屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會及論文摘要.
Ko HC, Chen LY, Wu JYW, Chang FM, Pan HA(2009). The impact of menopausal status, lifestyle and attitude towards the menopause on menopausal symptoms and quality of life among Chinese women: a 30-month follow-up, 10st Interational Mental Health Conference -Holiday Inn Gold Coast Wednesday Aug12-14, Australia Surfers Paradis
Chen CC, Ko HC , Chou CH, Min PL, Wu JYW (2009). Multidimensional Perfectionism, Negative Life Event, Depressive Symptoms and Well-Being among college students in southern Taiwan, 10st Interational Mental Health Conference -Holiday Inn Gold Coast Wednesday Aug12-14, Australia Surfers Paradis
Lee H, Ko HC, Chou CH, Wu JYW (2009). Interpersonal Conflict Perception and Coping Styles of College Students with Borderline and Dependent Personality Features, 10st Interational Mental Health Conference -Holiday Inn Gold Coast Wednesday Aug12-14, Australia Surfers Paradis
Tsung CJ, Ko HC, Chou CH, Wu JYW (2009). Effect of depression and emotional regulation strategy on self-harm behavior among boys and girls in Tainan, Taiwan,10st Interational Mental Health Conference -Holiday Inn Gold Coast Wednesday Aug12-14, Australia Surfers Paradis
周鉦翔, 柯慧貞, 吳詠葳(2009). Risk Factors for Suicide Attempt among Male and Female College Students in Taiwan,論文發表於第48屆台灣心理學會年會暨心理學在台灣的發展:回顧與前瞻專題研討會. USerid996(A2-4)口頭報告,台北. (oral presentation)
柯慧貞,葉春吟,朱育萱,李涵 (2010). 臨床心理師如何進行88風災後以學生為基礎(School-based)的心理重建工作模式: 從理論到實務的反思,論文發表於台灣臨床心理學會第四屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會口頭報告,p:80,台北.
柯慧貞, 林旻沛, 林聰仁 (2010). 臨床心理師如何進行88風災後以學生為基礎(Shool -based) 的心理重建工作模式: PTSD 高風險學童的認知行為介入與成效之經驗反思,論文發表於台灣臨床心理學會第四屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會口頭報告,p.83,台北.
Ko HC, Lee H, Chang FM(2010). The Perception and Resolution Strategies toward Interpersonal conflict among High-Risk College Students with Borderline and Dependent Personality Disorders, 2010 The 6th World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, 02-05 June, Boston University,USA.
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