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(1) Journals and Books:
  Behavioral Medicine-related books--
  552 books in Chinese
  6532 books in English
  Behavioral Medicine-related journals--
  22 journals in Chinese
  914 journals in English
  Order and subscription of the textbooks, reference books, and journals are suggested by the library 
  administration Committee of the corresponding Department or Institute, respectively.

(2) Instruments and Equipment:
Automatic Videocamcorder、Computerized Biofeedback Systems、Oneway Mirror、GSR for Children、 Transparency Projector、 Slide Projectors and Remote Control、Cabinet for Psychological Testings and Toys、Testing Tables and Chairs、Video Camcorder、Camera and Supplements、Laptop、Computers and Laser Printer、 Psychological Testing Battery、Neuropsychological Testing Battery、TV Set、Scrolling Screen、Crystal Projector、HPLC、 Microdialysis etc.